Examples & resources on how to use Python in the web browser.
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[cpython-emscripten:]( Python in the browser - CPython compiled with emscripten.
[Pyodide:]( is a Python distribution for the browser and Node.js based on WebAssembly.
[pypyjs:]( PyPy compiled to JavaScript.
[Batavia:]( A JavaScript implementation that uses a virtual machine to run precompiled Python bytecode.
[Skulpt:]( is a Javascript implementation of Python 2.x.
[Transcrypt:]( Python 3.7 to JavaScript compiler - Lean, fast, open!
[PyScript:]( a project that aims to combine multiple open technologies into a framework that allows users to create sophisticated browser applications with Python.
[RapydScript:]( transpiler for a Python like language to JavaScript.
[RapydScript-ng:]( A improved community fork of RapydScript.
There are many projects that have focused on using Python into the web browser. Tho they do have some differences, this comparision table Python-in-the-browser technologies & the photos below will help you understand some of the differences in some of these projects / compilers.
Click to view the photos
PyCon AU 2018: A Web without JavaScript A video / talk about using Python in the Web Browser by @freakboy3742 (Founder of BeeWare & was a previous president of the Django Software Foundation)
Brython Examples
For more detailed info on how to use Brython visit the [Brython documentation]( page
- **Show Input Value**
- **Check if Input Is Integer**
- **Adding Integers**
PyScript Examples
For more detailed info on how to use PyScript visit the [PyScript documentation]( page
- **Show Input Value**
- **Check if Input Is Integer**
- **Adding Integers**
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